Miami: (786) 598-7828

Hialeah: (786) 598-7832

Weston: (754) 225-4170

neurosurgeon in florida



Neurosurgeon & Brain Tumor Specialist located in South Miami, FL & Hialeah, FL, & Weston, FL

Meningioma is the most common type of primary brain tumor, making up about 30% of brain tumor cases. A primary brain tumor means the growth starts in the brain. Jose Valerio, MD, is a leading neurosurgical oncologist who specializes in the treatment of meningioma at his practice in South Miami, Hialeah, and Weston, Florida. He offers many innovative treatment options that provide positive outcomes. Call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.

Meningioma Q & A

  • What is brain What is meningioma?

    Meningioma is a type of brain tumor that originates in the meninges, which is the membrane that surrounds your brain and spinal cord.

    These tumors tend to grow slowly and may develop over many years before you have any symptoms.

    Genetics, hormones, and a history of exposure to radiation may play a role in the development of meningioma. However, researchers are still investigating what causes someone to develop this type of tumor since no single factor seems to stand out as the leading cause. 

  • What are the symptoms of meningioma?

    Meningioma symptoms develop gradually. Common symptoms include:
    ● Blurry or double vision● Headaches that are worse in the morning● Hearing problems● Memory problems● Seizures● Loss of sense of smell● Weakness in your arms or legs● Changes in speech
    Though meningioma symptoms develop slowly in most cases, some people experience disabling symptoms right away when the tumor affects blood vessels or nerves in the brain.
    If you have symptoms that concern you, schedule a consultation with your primary care provider. 

  • How is meningioma diagnosed?

    Meningiomas can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are subtle and may go unnoticed by you and your primary care provider.

    However, if your provider suspects meningioma, they may perform a neurological exam and imaging tests, such as an MRI or CT scan, to determine the cause of your symptoms.

    If a brain tumor is found during your imaging test, you may need a biopsy of the tumor to determine type and aggressiveness. Information from your biopsy determines your meningioma grade, which includes:

    Grade I
    Grade I meningiomas are slow-growing tumors. These are the most common.

    Grade II
    Grade II meningiomas are brain tumors that may recur after removal.

    Grade III
    Grade III meningiomas are malignant (cancerous) brain tumors. 

  • How is meningioma treated?

    Treatment for your meningioma depends on the grade and characteristics of your tumor. For Grade I and II meningiomas, Dr. Valerio may take a wait-and-see approach. 
    However, if your tumor causes severe symptoms or is a grade III meningioma, Dr. Valerio performs brain surgery to remove the tumor. He uses many innovative tools for removing brain tumors so you get the best possible outcomes. 
    Dr. Valerio will discuss your surgical treatment options with you so you can make an informed decision on how best to proceed.

    To schedule a consultation with a leading neurosurgical oncologist, call the office of Jose Valerio, MD, or book online today.

jose valerio, m.d.


Jose Valerio, M.D. Neurosurgeon in Florida